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Crested serpent eagle

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The crested serpent eagle, found in tropical Asia, is known for its maned head and large feet. It hunts snakes and lizards and builds nests in tall trees. The female incubates one or two eggs, which hatch in 41 days. The chicks fledge in two months. The eagle is recognized for its loud, distinctive call.

The medium-sized crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela) is a predatory bird that inhabits tropical Asian forests. There are significant differences across its broad range in Southeast Asia, East Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent, and some authorities would rather designate a number of its subspecies as entirely distinct species. Possess a huge head that seems crested due to the long feathers on the back of the head.


Sharp Stare The serpent eagle’s sharp stare scans its surroundings.

The bird has thickly scaled, unfeathered muscular feet, while its naked yellow face connects to the ceres. Their big wings and wide, black-and-white-barred tails allow them to soar beyond the woodland canopy. The crested serpent eagle is a reptilian predator that hunts snakes and lizards in forests, frequently near moist grasslands. Additionally, observers have seen it feed on termites, large earthworms, fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals.


Piercing Look Focused and poised, the eagle surveys sideways.

It primarily inhabits densely vegetated areas on plains and low hills. Although it is a resident species, it appears in certain parts of its range only during the summer. They begin courting and establishing territories in late January, marking the start of the mating season. In the early summer, the eggs are laid. Built high on a tree, the nest is a sizable platform. A pair of birds construct the nest together, but only the female incubates.


Regal Perch The serpent eagle stands proudly on its perch.

When the female forages, the male protects. Usually, the nest trees were big, far from other trees, and had plenty of space for the birds to fly in and out of. They gather green leaves from the surrounding area and use them to line the nests, placing them face down on the nest floor.The female typically lays one egg per clutch, sometimes two, but successfully raises only one chick each season. If she loses an egg, she lays a new one within two to seven weeks. After roughly 41 days, the eggs hatch, and the young fledge two months later. The parents defend their nests.

Copyrights : All the photos and texts in this post are the copyright of John Thomas and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the right owners


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