‘An elephant may be big in size and black in color but remember one thing. nothing about what we see outside, it’s all about what we possess inside. Behind the black skin, there is a white heart, and inside a big body there is a small heart too…
Elephants are the major components of cultural festivals in Kerala. It is not only the ‘Heritage animal but also a representation of God, “Ganapathy. Elephants play a major role in the culture and traditions of the festivals especially the temple festivals. They are the ones chosen to carry the idol of the residing diety. They have been an important part of these activities from time immemorial. These majestic creatures not only adds beauty to the scenario but also are involved in several traditional duties.

Rise and Shine : A new day a new morning, time to go to work
Competitions and Prestige
Normally most of religious festivals in Kerala are being conducted by a large number of sub-committees and it has become a trend these days with the fact that the committee who possess the most renowned tusker at present is the best among all. So the race to posses the best one is so evident these days.
The head lifting competition among the elephants is also a common sight of religious festivals now a days. The one who performs the best or the one who comes at the top most position is being awarded with lot of gifts and achievements titles by the respective festival governing body. This not only increases the pride of the elephant among the people but also there is a sudden hike in the remuneration for the next program.

The Royal Bath : A fresh shower for a perfect start
Symbols of Pride and Income in Kerala’s Festivals
The way elephant walks, lifts the head, trumpens swings the ears have always amazed us right from our childhood. They have earned an important place in the festival governing body. In the small state of Kerala owning an elephant not only enhances the pride of the family but also is a way of income. A single day of attendance in a religious festival can earn a lot of money as remuneration.

The majestic walk : In the forward stride
The day of an elephant starts just like that of a man. We get up from bed, take bath, thes breakfast, seek for blessings from God and then get to our work. Similar is the case of an elephant. All living things on this planet have got some dures to carry out. Only a fresh and pure soul and body can create miracles.

Gearing up : The extra elegance of “Nettipattom”
This is the routine procedure of an elephant at the festival season. The casting character is Ithihaso Chakravarthy “Mangalamkunnu Karnan one of the living legends in the gigantic world. A friendly. calm and quite by character gave the frames full of life with his varied poses. It’s not about the size, it’s all about what’s inside and it’s not about the colour, it’s all about what we see..

Showing superiority : Keeping the head high up in the air

Seeking Prayers : It’s time to show up before the almighty

The final showdown : Proudly presenting the majestic stance
Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Manu Joseph,Thrissur and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of rightful owners.