Our predecessors were birds. From dinosaurs, they evolved into themselves. The majority of birds are able to fly, however others, including kiwis, ostriches, and penguins, are not. These birds regained their wings but lost their ability to fly. They evolved in accordance with their environments. Ostriches evolved to run quickly and cover long distances, while hummingbirds, only two inches long, adapt to serve distinct purposes. Some birds specialize in diving, swimming, and jumping. All birds have fur, which keeps them warm throughout the winter and shields them from the elements.

The Aerodynamic Design of Birds
Engineers model airplane wings based on bird wings, as birds lift themselves and maintain flight effortlessly due to their body design. They have aerodynamic bodies. There are around 30,000 different species of birds on our planet. Some consume meat; some hunt other animals and birds, while others consume insects and bees. They go from one location to another in pursuit of food and to breed offspring. Depending on their ideal climate, they traverse the ocean thousands of miles. Most birds travel in groups to feel safer and avoid being hunted by other birds..
Data indicates that India is home to more bird species than any other country, and certain bird groups migrate there annually. The red list, which indicates that certain birds are in danger of going extinct, is concerning. Certain species, such as the Dodo bird, have already gone extinct. According to the fossil record, during the Jurassic period, which occurred millions of years ago, birds evolved alongside dinosaurs. From that time until this peak, structural modifications occurred that reduced their size. Over time, they acquired wings and feathers throughout their bodies, which enabled them to glide through the air.

Hovering for the Hunt
As their bodies decreased in size, they developed wings, grew feathers that entirely covered their bodies, and adapted their designs for airborne takeoff and gliding.Certain birds are able to fly without flapping. When they are ready to land, many birds employ this technique. Additionally, certain birds have the ability to hover and stay put. Predatory birds, like falcons, that are searching for food employ this technique. Additionally, seagulls are adept at hovering, especially in severe winds. Tiny hummingbirds are the best-hovering birds; they can beat their wings both forward and backward and remain motionless while dipping their long beaks into flowers to consume the delicious nectar. The demands of various bird species vary. To fit their flying style, their wings have been modified.

The red whiskered bulbul : See I’m more then just a cottonball
Dinosaurs to Skies
Large predatory birds, like eagles, have broad, large wings and spend a lot of time soaring in their minds. Each day, they eat three kilogrammes of flesh. Those birds who like to be alone themselves are kite vultures and eagles. Flamingos, ducks, and pigeons congregate in groups to avoid predators, reducing their chances of being hunted by forming large flocks. When prey are present in huge numbers, predators find it difficult to target a single victim. They can operate for extended periods of time and breathe at high levels because their bones are hollow and contain warm-blooded chambers that allow them to travel great distances. Even when they are unable to fly, the other birds can still run and swim.

Unique Communication of Birds
In contrast to other birds, ostriches, roadrunners, and emus can run exceptionally fast because their bones are not hollow. They run quickly because their leg muscles are stronger. Penguins are suited for swimming rather than jogging. Although they lack wings and strong legs, they can move more quickly in the water than they do on land. They draw attention with a variety of loud calls, including flawless mimicries of numerous other species, making them noticeable in forest environments where they frequently perch in the open air.
Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates closely related to reptiles rather than mammals. They lay hard-shelled eggs, possess a four-chambered heart, and have forelimbs modified into wings, similar to bats. Their keen vision serves as their primary sense for gathering environmental information. In mediaeval art, a bird entangled in greenery symbolised the soul entangled in the materialism of the secular world. Birds in general have long been a common Christian emblem of the transcendent soul. As environmentalism has increased in popularity in recent years, so too have the leisure benefits of bird watching.

India: A Haven for Bird Diversity
In Indian tradition, we shall learn that certain gods migrated from one location to another as passengers in birds. For this reason, in Indian culture, we revere birds like Kartikeya, who traveled from place to place in a peacock. In the Ramayana, Lakshman killed Maghnath with an eagle. These days, humans have learned how to raise birds, which we use for our livestock, such as chickens, ducks, and other birds that we eat, as well as for keeping them as pets and teaching them human speech. Humans maintain them for their meat, and since some birds are more costly and have slightly different body parts, we hunt them, which causes many bird species to go extinct. Our exploration of forests and exploitation of their resources are destroying the natural habitats of these creatures. Deforestation forces birds to leave their native habitats, driving them to migrate to deserts and even human settlements.

Birds are beautiful, intelligent, and timid. Designed for flight, birds excel as air binders, and their morning chirping brings us a sense of serenity and tranquility. For them, there are no boundaries between two nations; they are free to travel wherever they choose and engage in any activity they like, and we are powerless to stop them. Since they are also a part of our nature, we have no right to confine them to cages.
Nature’s Air Binders
There are numerous unanswered questions about birds, such as how they evolved from dinosaurs to small birds and why some of them were unable to fly like other birds. Why can only a small number of birds fly backward? There are a lot of questions to ask but are unsure of whom to ask. If they are like humans, they may be able to communicate so that we may comprehend them and their queries, or they may even become human friends. Birds may not speak, but they showcase remarkable survival instincts. Brood parasites hatch before their host’s young and ensure their survival by killing the host’s chicks or pushing their eggs out of the nest. This ensures that the parasitic chicks will devour whatever brought into the nest. Birds are all around us and are excellent air binders.

Peacock :Freedom is a state of mind
Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are the copyright of Abhishek Biswas , Bhopal and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.