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An Amateur Thief


This is the film and story of an amateur thief, written and directed by Heet and team-guided. Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film.

Pavan was a young man full of evil. He was frequently attracted to getting himself into a lot of trouble. He was sipping tea outside a tea shop one beautiful day while he observed the passing surroundings with a playful spark in his eyes.

As Pavan was sipping his tea, a well-dressed man in a nice car pulled up quickly. Pavan became curious when he saw the man walk inside the tea shop.

Pavan seizes the opportunity to attempt theft from the man’s car. He tries various doors but fails to open them until he finally succeeds with the driver’s side door.

Pavan’s eyes widened inside the car as he looked around for valuables. He had no idea that the car door had automatically locked, trapping him inside. But the car’s owner was completely oblivious as he enjoyed his tea since Pavan was too busy with his search to notice.

Pavan’s hand brushed something placed inside the dashboard while he was searching around the car. He started in shock when he saw a wallet. He grabbed it, thinking he had gotten the jackpot, and his heart increased with satisfaction.

Pavan attempted to exit but found he was unable to do so. He saw the owner approaching and panicked. Then the owner fortunately got a call from his friend, so with little spare time, Pavan hid in the backseat and hoped no one would notice. 

Fortunately, the owner didn’t see Pavan lying in the shadows when he returned to the car. The shopkeeper called him, saying he had forgotten something, a little while later. Pavan breathed a sigh of relief and watched till it was safe to leave without a word. He saw the owner going, so he opened the door and ran away.

Outside, Pavan checked the pocket, only to find it empty. It was then that he realized his mistake—he had dropped the wallet inside the car while fleeing to the backseat.

The End (Amateur Thief).

Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of  Heet Dave andCreative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.

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