Architecture is refers to photographs of the outside of a structure. Exteriors benefit from a wealth of natural light, which makes them easier to photograph. Depending on the whims of nature, exteriors may also produce wildly varying, moody, and dramatic results. architecture photography. This refers to photographs of a structure’s interior. Interiors are often more challenging to capture. ambient light available through windows or skylights is often limited, and sometimes filtered, as through colorful stained glass windows in churches. Supplemental lighting in the form of a flash helps accurately capture interiors.

Vaikom Mahadeva Temple : The temple of our purest thoughts is silence.
Architecture is the art of designing structures and living places, and many people enjoy and appreciate it. You are photographing someone else’s work when you shoot buildings. However, you capture how the building appears in the actual world after it has been constructed, which is something that architects can only dream about.

Amballapuzha Temple : Temples are an expression of God’s love.
Architecture should speak of its time and place, but it should aspire to be eternal. In nature, there are no straight lines or sharp angles. I was just starting off in my career. Any architectural endeavor that fails to convey serenity is a mistake. Whatever excellent things we construct end up constructing us.

Vaikom Mahadeva Temple : The temple of art is built in words.
“ARCHITECTONIC” the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends.

St. George Church Edathua : The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Vinod korakuti, Jaggayyapeta, Andhra Pradesh, Creative Hut Institute of Photography.Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.