Ayurvedic cosmetics are therefore described as cosmetics that contain active ingredients with Ayurveda roots and are successful in producing desired results.

Ayurvedic soap : A harmless treatment for a skin
Gone are the days of artificial cosmetics
The word ‘ Ayurveda’ is much related to Indian culture and tradition . Years back our ancestors used to practice and follow Ayurvedic treatment as medicinal and beauty enhancing methods . Moreover Ayurveda is the oldest traditional treatment . And it is seen as being highly effective and has long been a part of our tradition . Yet, as society progressed, manufactured goods entered the market and quickly gained acclaim. Furthermore Understanding the side-effects and realizing the benefits in natural materials,society is now shifting back to the tradition of Ayurveda. Here, the natural based product photographs are remembrance of those traditional Ayurvedic Treatment.
Ayurvedic Products
It is past time for individuals to abandon artificial cosmetics . Natural cosmetics, toilet soaps, fragrances, and other beauty items are becoming increasingly popular among young people. Now a days many people around the world are using Ayurveda treatment . Every Ayurvedic product is currently available on the market, however they all come at a hefty price. It is commonly believed that less chemicals are used in the production of Ayurveda products.Although years back, Ayurveda treatment was started in India, it has now attracted many foreigners too. Let, us all keep this traditional values alive and pure, for the coming generations too.

Carbon face wash : Remove blackheads get clear skin

Dental protection : Created with Ayurveda expertise

Ayush : Turmeric face wash for men

Parachute : Ayurvedic hair oil
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Basil Mathew, Ernakulam , Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. A photography school in Kerala called Creative Hut gave him a Professional Diploma in the Art of Photography. It is illegal to copy them, in whole or in part, without the permission of the rightful owners.