A huge wading bird belonging to the stork family Ciconiidae is the Asian woolly-necked stork, often known as the Asian woollyneck (Ciconia episcopus). It can breed in small, loose colonies or alone. It can be found throughout Asia in a wide range of environments, such as freshwater wetlands, agricultural areas, and woodland marshes. With a height of 75 to 92 cm, the woolly-necked stork is a medium-sized stork. The iris is wine-red or deep crimson. The stork gets its name from its downy white neck and glittering black overall, which also includes a black “skull cap.”

Paddy Watch The woolly-necked stork stands tall in the fields.
The white undertail coverts and lower abdomen contrast sharply with the remainder of the dark-colored plumage. The foreneck’s feathers have a coppery-purple hue and are iridescent. During performances, these long feathers can be raised. The black long undertail coverts typically cover the white, deeply forked tail.

Twin Storks Two woolly-necked storks stand still in the wetlands.
Young birds have a feathered forehead that is occasionally striped in black and white, and they are duller than adults. Clutch sizes range from two to six eggs, with five and six eggs being less common. Usually, a huge stick nest is constructed on a tree. Both forest trees and sporadic trees in agricultural areas are used by birds as nesting sites. Sometimes, nesting occurs on the cliffs along the river.
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