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Explore AsymmetricalTales in Munnar, capturing the picturesque tea hills, mountains, and villages in a single enchanting image.

Asymmetrical Tales brings Munnar to life through captivating landscape photography. These images artfully combine tea hills, mountains, and village life, capturing the peaceful coexistence of farming and tea plantations with the vibrant colours of mountain village  view cottages. Each photo tells a story of harmony between humans and nature, revealing the serene simplicity of rural life in this stunning location.

Tea Hills Beaut.

Tea Hills Beaut Hills Tea, Village Life.

My picture of Captivating Munnar landscapes, Kerala, shows the beauty of the mountains, tea plantations photography, and farming life.  The image shows a peaceful  landscape with a lovely village hidden in between towering hills covered in tea plants. In these villages , where taking it is a way of life, life unfolds in the calm of the natural world. The spirit of Munnar photography  is captured in this photo, which is a harmony of tea, mountains, and the simple beauty of rural life.

Mountain Serenity.

Mountain Serenity Nature’s Own Calm Haven.

Large mountains and vibrant village homes may be seen in this image. The whole view is made amazing by the beautiful mountains. The houses are a rainbow on the ground, which have different colours. It seems like humankind and the natural world collaborated to produce this lovely action.  This image is a basic but lovely picture of how towns and the natural world can join together. To create something wonderful.

height harmony.

height harmony Beauty Cascading Down.

This picturesque scene, captured from a Kerala tourism photograph hilltop, is breathtaking. The natural beauty is enhanced by the seamless blending of colours, creating a serene and captivating image. It encapsulates the tranquillity and allure of this stunning view, inviting viewers to marvel at its splendour.

Tea Steps.

Tea Steps Nature’s graceful steps.

The picturesque tea factory, tea hills, and towering mountain photography create a captivating scene. The neatly arranged tea hills resemble steps on the mountainside. While the factory blends seamlessly into a lush garden. Together, they form a harmonious balance of nature and industry.

Asymmetrical Tales captures Munnar’s stunning landscapes of Kerala , showcasing Kerala’s allure with picturesque tea slopes, mountains, and villages. Each image portrays the tranquil beauty and rural charm that make Munnar a unique destination.

All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Arshad CB and Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction full or part is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.

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