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Bharathi Murugan

Tiruppur,Tamil Nadu

Photographer | Cinematographer
Designer | Photo and Video Editor

He tries to explore and utilize the numerous ways in which light influences our daily lives in his unwavering quest to understand the diverse interactions between light and our environment. Light, by the lens of his artistic vision, evolves into a never-ending source of inspiration and wonder, revealing new elements of its required character.

Bharathi Murugan, from Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, has a lifelong fascination with the universal miracle of light. Whether it comes from nature or is man-made, he feels that light is a unifying force that holds our globe together. His lifelong devotion to the study of light and its relaxing appeal shows no signs of abating. For him, capturing the essence and beauty of light is a lifetime commitment, not a passing hobby. In Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, he stays committed to the ageless pursuit of capturing and sharing the ever-present, ever-evolving glory of light, a journey he knows will last a lifetime.

Having completed a Professional Diploma in the Art of Photography and Cinematography at Kerala's Creative Hut Institute of Photography during the academic year 2018-19, he has sharpened his talents in mastering the technical details and techniques that lead to mesmerizing photography. His proficiency is further exemplified by his Kerala Government Technical Examination (KGTE) certification in photography.

His photography work demonstrates his constant dedication. His Photography Portfolio “Optical Eye’s” is a presentation of the various ways he investigates the interaction of light, creating compelling and emotive photographs that expose the world's hidden beauty. His photography not only demonstrates his artistic skills, but it also acts as an enduring tribute to his dedication to conserving the timeless charm of light in the heart of Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu.


Optical Eyes by Bharathi Murugan S

The portfolio “The Optical Eyes” is the project which emphasizes more on the wings that can go anywhere i.e, Birds photography. Along with that, other...


The Mighty Architectonics

The Great Living Chola Temples . The Mighty Architectonics is an article describes architecture beauty of Chola temple... The imperial Cholas period (9th to 12th...

Life in the wild

The fantasy world with secret lifes This social world is created commonly for all living things . When talking about social life ,animals are...

The Landing Egret

The sequential shot of great Egret's landing Birds can be divided into many categories .One of the main categories of birds is water birds ....

Healthy & Tasty

One of the important items in our snacks list will be cookies . Healthy and tasty cookies refresh our body and mind ....

The Village Busy Bees

The village busy bees is an article about villagers agricultural life .... India is a country based on agriculture . And most of the agriculture...

Mirror for Nature

The purity of nature reflects by itself .The article Mirror for nature narrates about the beauty of landscapes .. Gift of God Nature is an incomparable...

The world of fruits

The world of fruits can be divided as dry fruits and ripe fruits : Berries, aggregation fruits, and numerous fruits are all examples of...

Best 8 Circle Photography tricks applied

Photography trick - Circle Circle is one of the photography tricks which is totally based on the talent of the photographer. Circle photography trick is...

Wandering Wings

Birds with their beautiful wings wandering without any boundary .. Wings of Avians When we mention birds , the first thing coming to our is that...

Array of Wings

The article array of wings describes beauty of birds wings..The wings can go anywhere . Birds are everywhere around this world and they are of...

Adoring Avians-The wings with Love

Love is naturally a god’s gift, it is common for all life. As the saying goes, love is restricted not only to humans but...

10 Amazing Levitation Photography

Levitation Photography Make some impossible matters to possible in a photography. Some times photographer also needs an editing knowledge, and levitation photography is the best...

Best 10 Panning Photography trick applied

Panning Photography trick. Nowadays people are living in a fast moving world. We photographers are using some tricks to capture their fast moving world in...

10 Best Light Painting Photographs

Best Light Painting Photograph. The photographer can be a great envoy of fantasy world. A photographer can capture the impossible through his/her artistic talent. The...

Top 10 Balloon Helmet Photography

Balloon helmet photography is little similar to Balloon burst. It also depends on camera knowledge, fast action, perfect timing, some luck and co-operation of...
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