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Bishal Ghosh

Ukhra, West Bengal

Photographer | Cinematographer
Designer | Photo and Video Editor

He had a wide range of experiences during his photographic schooling, including wildlife, nature, and social encounters. These encounters have been nothing short of breathtaking, and he is at a loss for words to appropriately explain the deep impact they have had on him.

Bishal Ghosh, a dedicated photographer from Ukhra, West Bengal, believes that photography is a unique synthesis of art and science capable of encapsulating the essence of a moment in a single shot. He is eager to recognize his teachers for their consistent encouragement and support, which helped shape his photographic talents. He is also thankful for the friendship of his batch mates, who provided tremendous aid and encouragement along the road. He is really proud of his abilities to pursue his passion and transform it into a successful route.

Having completed a Professional Diploma in the Art of Photography and Cinematography at Kerala's Creative Hut Institute of Photography during the academic year 2017-18, he has sharpened his talents in mastering the technical details and techniques that lead to mesmerizing photography.

He has done a Photography Portfolio titled as “Wisdom is a thirst”. He has also resolved to continue marching forward as he navigates life's uncertain road, seeking unexplained knowledge and capturing the world's beauty with his camera.


landscape architecture photomentor
Seraphic: Architecture is an art of graph
Elegance of regular lifestyle: Assorted ingredients has well furnished
school kids images photomentor
Little One: Countless wishes on little eyes
Glory orb of the nature : The final destination





Invisible Events On Eyes

As part of Photojournalism, here is the photo article made by our author on street and portrait photography. Diverse Purity of Life Some invisible events create...

Architectures of Brihadeshwara Temple

As part of Travel Photography, our author has a collection of beautiful photographs of Brihadeshwara temple architectures which are located in Tamilnadu. "Istoria" is a...

Culture Explicit the Tradition

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Traditional Diurnal Motion

Diurnal activities of human lifestyle makes an era. Daily actions of our regular lifestyle creating an amazing story. We live in this story but...


A Venturous Flight

A precious Etiology fulfilled the depth encircled by the nature. Amazing chirrup makes a wonderful rhythm of the heart of the earth. Every flight...

Small World Big Tale

The wonderful micro elements shine with the sunbeams on the earth. The orange shade manifests it's beauty. It is a very hard worker insect...

Motions of Ecology

Every motion of life's progress creates countless emotions. Nature brings up its vogue. Entire elements of nature exhibit each and every action in this...

Flow of Hope

Hopes and desires have always existed in the human mind. It is continuously moving like a river's flow. After crossing the various streams rivers...
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