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Liquid Illusions

"Liquid Illusions" showcases the beauty of light and liquid collisions through refraction photography, revealing changing perspectives. The fascinating study of refraction photography in "Liquid Illusion" shows how common glassware may become stunning pieces of art. Each frame captures the fascinating...

Filming Lands

Landscape photography usually portrays the presence of nature, but it can also focus on artificial structures or landscape disturbances. Landscape photography is the art of depicting nature and the outdoors in a way that puts theviewer in the scene. The...

Flow Of Time

A slight blur of the action or freezing the time in your picture can help convey a message. This story element makes the visuals less static and more unpredictable. The goal of motion photography is to depict movement. A photograph...

Artistry Globe

Creative photography is a technique in which you use your photography skills to convert ordinary moments into creative artworks by combining different shapes, tones, and forms. It is the duty of any artist to create new things and thereby take...

Earth’s Bond

Experience how our lives reflect the cycles of the natural world unveils Earth’s bond between us, via my multiple photographs. Nature photography becomes a potent storyteller that combines the essence of humanity with nature thanks to the double exposure technique....


Abstract photography and art are expressly designed to elicit an emotional response from the spectator. The goal behind abstract photography is to create unique images from ordinary objects .Abstract photography, also known as non-objective, experimental, or conceptual photography, expresses a...


Refractography requires no digital trickery and no lens—just a camera, a light source, and an object that refracts light. Refraction photography describes capturing a refraction effect, where light warps in glass, water, or another surface to make a subject appear...


Photography is an illusion where a tiny fraction of time is stretched into infinity Chronostasis is the illusion of an extended time. An example of this illusion is known as the stopped-clock illusion, in which the second hand of...

Imagined World

Creativity is all about seeing and conveying the extraordinary in the simplest, everyday acts. One of the most crucial aspects of being human is the ability to be creative. It is one of the primary characteristics that contribute to our...

Manoeuvring Rays

The movement of different sources of light produces different effects on the image, which can be used creatively. Lighting is an important aspect of creating a great photograph. Not only does lighting  dictate brightness and darkness, but it also  influences...

Photography Portfolio

Artventure By Arshad C B

Artventure captures the diverse experiences of city life, from exploring markets and fashion to luxury cars and historical sites....


The Brand Book

Knowledge l Malayalam

Knowledge l English

Editorial | English

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