Drinks made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling are called brewed beverages. Hot beverages like coffee and tea are made by brewing. Brewing roasted coffee beans yield coffee while boiling the leaves of Camellia sinensis (Tea shrubs) yields us tea. Tea is the second most widely consumed drink in the world. Different types of spices are also used while making tea and coffee.
Both coffee and tea contain caffeine, which helps us in our cognitive work by increasing our task performances during sleep deprivation. People usually consume these beverages early in the morning, just after waking up.
Due to the caffeine content, they give more energy and reduce drowsiness in the morning.
In this chapter, I have included photos of coffee, tea, and black tea, which are the favorite drinks of most people.
All these beverages are almost brown-shaded, which is apt for the colour theme of this book.
The lighting used in this chapter is morning light since most people drink coffee and tea first thing in the morning.
All the Photos and text in this post are copyright of Pranav K.K, from Ernakulam Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.