We often relate the game of Carrom with the phrase “Chase the Focus”. A game that was originated in India, doesn’t have any time limit or age limit. A table top game that can be played anywhere with a maximum of four players. Although there are some interesting facts about Carrom; the most important fact in this game is to have focus.
What is Carrom?

Carrom is a board game made on a square shaped board having a smooth surface with a pocket in each corner. A carrom set has 19 pieces or say coins and one striker. These coins consists of 9 white coins, 9 black coins and 1 red coin. Generally speaking these are coins that are made to slide when they are hit by the player with a stricker. Except the red coins, all other coins are called “men”. The red coin or disc, is the most valuable piece, and is called the “queen.” While the stricker is bigger and heavier than all the other coins.
The game of Carrom was originated in India by the Maharajas. Carrom is now popular in India and UK. On the other hand, its also getting popularity in many of the other nations. Henceforth, it is now considered for National level and International Sports competitions.
How is Carrom board game played?
In the beginning, the board is set up by arranging all the coins in the middle of the carrom board in the circle form. Particularly, keeping the red coin also termed as Queen in the centre of the board. The basic goal of carrom board game is to use the striker to move the carrom men into one of the four corner pockets by flicking your finger to the stricker. The goal of the game is to get the carrommen and queen into your pocket before your opponent participant does. At the same time, aim to get as many points as possible to win the game.

Carrom Board Game Competitions in Colleges

Carroms have now grabbed the place for competitions in several platforms. Especially in the schools, and colleges, students love to have this game in their priority list. Apart from the idea of competitions, this game is also known for freeing the mind and relaxation.
Its quite interesting and relaxing to sit facing each other around the square plywood board and focus on the game. Each of the players then eagerly wait for the opportunity to strike and achieve the coins one after the other.
Its a game that makes one pleasant, teaches to be patient, and utilize each opportunity wisely. Creative Hut students find time and space to play this interesting carrom board game very often. Carrom board game competition is one of the games played during the Ever-rolling Sports Day Competitions.
Carroms for students at Creative Hut
Creative Hut Institute of Photography conducts carrom competitions for our students yearly. The sports event “Ever rolling trophy” observed in the month of December includes the competitions for the game of carrom board game. Both singles and doubles are organized for the same. Students especially those who are fond of indoor games, make sure to participate in this game with full enthusiasm. On the other hand, students here enjoy this game not only for the sports day but also during their entire course duration.

Carrom game is very much related to our lives. Opportunities are given to one and all. But, the best part is to make use of the opportunity. Aim towards the goal and focus on to achieve it with full dedication. If you miss the opportunity, you need to wait patiently for the next to come.