The most well-known gem is diamond. It is known as the “king of gems” because of its brilliance and it is the hardest mineral on the planet. However, they are quite rare, which makes them extremely valuable. Their radiance and beauty make them ideal for jewellery. These desirable, exceptional, and alluring gemstones have drawn a lot of attention throughout history.

Dazzling : Eyes speaks beauty.

Shimmering : Fascinating Stones.

Silvery : Precious and Rare.

Moonlit : Evading the darkness.
The contrast between light and dark add mood to the photos while emphasising the beauty of the jewels. Jewelry helps individuals to give the impression of being attractive and comprehensive. The main goal of this chapter is to highlight how magnificent it looks wearing a diamond jewelry and make the viewers a feel like getting one of them or wear it for at least once.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Adarsh V, Kannur, Kerala, Creative Hut Institute of Photography.Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.