As part of Fashion photography, Human interest is one of the creative subjects one could ever take. And here our author took very creatively and took us all back to the Darwinism age.
The theory of the evolution of species by natural selection.
We in today’s world enjoy every sort of comfortable entity, but we don’t even care to know the stories or let’s better say facts that led a human generation to this stage. This process of evolution started long ago when our ancestors, or as we like to say, early men, started to discover forces of nature and ways to utilize them. All those stories we have heard or read about the early people seem like a fantasy but they are not. Those are not the stories that are made by modern men or women, but those are facts that are passed on from generation to generation. Our ancestors were survivors because they survived and so are we. Darwinism hunted for food and lived their lives that none of us could even imagine.
Early Men developed tools for better hunting and ease in daily life. Invented Bows and Arrows so that they could avoid risking their lives for food. They invented the wheel to find a bit of comfort in transportation. And the list continues till today and will never stop. Because we greedy creatures will never stop asking for more and that none of us could even imagine. Our ancestors were born in a period of war, where they fought for everything one could think of and even more. Mankind has evolved a lot since then. Slowly their necessities increased and following the human tendency to fulfill every requirement we tend to invent things and this results in the evolvement of the human race. Early Men developed tools for better hunting and ease in daily life. Invented Bows and Arrows so that they could avoid risking their lives for food. They invented the wheel to find a bit of comfort in transportation. And the list continues till today and will never stop.
‘Early Age Life’
Darwinism is the subject that attracted me the most because we should never forget what they have done for us. Their hardships, survivor instinct, and their raw nature attracted me to take this as the subject for my fashion photography. I loved their rawness and originality. It is much more than just my photographic subject but it is as a lesson to adapt their hardship, toughness, and their approach towards life.

Our ancestors were born in a period of war, where they fought for everything one could think of and even more. Mankind has evolved a lot since then. Slowly their necessities increased and following the human tendency to fulfill every requirement we tend to invent things and this results in the evolvement of the human race. Early Men developed tools for better hunting and ease in daily life. Invented Bows and Arrows so that they could avoid risking their lives for food. They invented the wheel to find a bit of comfort in transportation. And the list continues till today and will never stop.
Mrinal Bhushan, Banka, Bihar, India
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Mrinal Bhushan. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.