Dilusional Enigma is an article describes importance of color in abstract photography . Although not strictly a color in its own right the color white contains all the colors of the world. White is pure heading & spiritual . The pure & virginal color of white is often used in many cultures for beginnings and starting a fresh so wear .
The color represents purity and innocence . Traditionally white color means cleanliness and also associated with peace protection. Hope using white candles and white crystals can assist any magic spells that involve new beginnings inspiration and healing . Furthermore white used to dominate the photography world back in the days of film and darkrooms .
Can light be black . Mixed blowing dark light experiments show cases of light that is black . First thing we need to understand is color . Color is not a physical property . There is a certain wave length to the lights that we see. Actually , black is shade of white. Here are some abstract photographs shown by Dilusional Enigma..

Colorless Dimensions : Dimension of the colorless

A dilutional Realm : Abstract formed from inks

Monochrome Photography : High Contrast

Drops : Black and White template

Frozen : Drop color
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Arjun A Raj, Chengannur Creative Hut Institute of Photography.Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.