Photographs are the creation of memories that are in a way tangible and portable. One can capture them and lock that particular moment in time forever.
The subject of our gaze, the thing on which we lay our eyes should have a story. The beauty of that subject is highly dependent on its dimensions. The vast stretching skies, the gigantic mountains, the endless oceans have a particular orientation, shape, color, and dimensions. Even our clothes and accessories have dimensions in them. Therefore, everything we see in this world has dimensions.
Shapes are an indispensable part of any object that exists whether living or non-living. Each of these shapes is so different yet has a similar nature. These fine shapes can be captured through the sharpness of our photographic lens. There are many details that are missed out by people in everyday life. It is the photographer that captures it and opens a new perspective of the world to us.
We often interpret geometry as some complicated subject in our childhood. We tend to run away from it, thinking it’s too difficult. What we fail to understand is that it holds the key to our Universe. It is omnipresent. Moreover, it lies both within and outside of us. From a small wall clock hanging in your bedroom to a giant monument in a busy street, everything has a definite geometry.
Swapnil Sahu, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

Photography was his dream but now it’s his passion. He loves to carry his camera along with him wherever he travels. It has been his daily ritual since childhood. He lives and breathes in it. He works hard every day to improve his skills. Along with photography, he has a great command of cinematography. Writing, directing, and editing films give him a lot of joy. He is looking forward to creating something new and unique apart from the ongoing trends. Apart from that, he has completed his Professional Diploma in Art of photography from Creative hut Institute of Photography, Kerala, India.
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All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Swapnil Sahu, Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.