Many of the most significant things in our lives rely on the millions of diverse species that exist on our planet.
Exuberance means being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness. Life in the wild is always exuberant. According to E.O. Wilson, “Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius.” Many of the most significant things in our lives rely on the millions of diverse species that exist on our planet. Wildlife photography is the genre of photography that documents animals, birds,
or insects in their natural habitat. Wildlife includes animals, birds, and even insects. Knowledge of animal behaviour is required to predict their actions.
The Homemaker : Great Cormorant on the way to his home.
Wild Wonders
According to Charles Darwin, animal behaviours exist because they have helped their bearers survive and reproduce during evolutionary time, that is, over the development of new species and the evolution of their specific traits. Each and every trait and behaviour of an animal in the wild is a result of this evolutionary process. From calling out for food by offspring to hiding from threats, everything is a part of this process. Wildlife represents biodiversity, which is critical to human health and the well-being of the entire world. We live in an integrated ecological system in which each macro- and microscopic organism, whether animal, plant, or fish, influences the others. Any alteration to an organism’s natural environment will trigger a dynamo effect. The chapter “Exuberance” deals with the exuberant behaviour of birds and insects, in their natural habitat.
Inquisitive : A male non-breeding Whiskered Tern searching for his prey.
Clattering : A Painted Stork on top of a tree.
Coy : An Egret standing amidst dense green forest
Mining : Oriental Fruit Fly (Dacus dorsalis Hende)
Hunger call : Young Cormorants calling out for food
Timid : Jumping spider hiding behind a leaf
Thirsty : Narrow-Banded Bluebottle drinking water
Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Pranav K K and Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.