Fairy cakes are actually termed as “Cupcakes”. This is something typically smaller in size. It is something to cheer people up or brighten up an occasion.

These cakes are frequently drizzled with icing. Before you move on, take a moment to cherish the old baking memories with your parents.

Since they are said to be both small enough for fairies to eat and appealing enough to draw them, cupcakes are actually called Fairy Cakes.

Cupcakes are also fun to photograph. Their pretty colors and styles make good photographs. They mostly look fantastic in the black or a dark background when you are using the shade of dark blue.

In food photography, lighting from the side is a safe approach. In composition, leading lines are the best approach to do. The Rule of Odds will be useful during the composition.

In composition, leading lines are the best approach to do. The Rule of Odds will be useful during the composition. Adding some small and colorful sprinkles will show it decorative.

All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Renjith S Pillai from Kollam, Kerala, Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.