As we wander through the verdant landscapes, we capture glimpses of flashing butterflies. They vary greatly in color, size, and shape, making each encounter unique. However, it requires patience to wait for a butterfly to rest somewhere. Moreover, after a long wait, it may stealthily move out of our sight. Interestingly, only flowers seem to attract them to settle. Butterflies are perhaps the most beautiful organisms in terrestrial habitats. Additionally, they belong to the insect order Lepidoptera, which also includes moths. Unlike butterflies, moths are mostly natural in their habits.

Butterflies are self propelled flowers : The lifecycle of blue tiger the larva generally feed on plants of family

Common grass yellow : The common grass yellow exhibits seasonal polyphenism. The legidoberan has a daker summer marph, triggered by a long day exceeding 13 hours in duration
Butterflies and moths appear similar; however, we can distinguish them by their antennae structure, as butterflies have clubbed antennae, while moths have feathery ones. Furthermore, butterflies have a short life cycle, lasting only a few weeks or months. Notably, there are four stages in the life of a butterfly: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Southern duffer : Southern duffer is a butterfly found in India that belongs to the duffers group

Common emigrant : The eggs of the butterfly are laid on various species of plant including several cassias

Southern Bird Wing: Southern bird wing is a large and striking species butterfly endemic to peninsular India. With a wings pan of 140-190 mm in size. It is the largest butterfly of India.

Blue tiger : Blue tigers upper side is black, with bluish white semi spot and streaks
Nature’s Beauty and Ecological Indicators
Enjoy the pleasure of a stride with butterflies along a 500m long, meandering trails traversing water bodies, cliffs and grass lands. Butterflies are perhaps the most beautiful organisms in terrestrial habitats. They belong to the kingdom of animalia phylum Arthropoda class insect order lepidoptera sub order rhopalocera (butterflies) and sub order heterocera (moths) which also contain the Taxonomic position. The latter are mostly in habits. Moreover butterflies are most important components of the ecosystem the play vital roles in the functions of natural ecosystems. Scientists frequently regard butterflies and moths as good indicators of climate change and environmental degradation. Although similar in appearance, we can distinguish them by their antennae structure; butterflies have clubbed antennae, while moths possess feathery ones.
Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Harikrishna O., Pathanamthitta and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of rightful owners.