“Wings are the important part of a bird’s frame
Birds are the best of all creations of God. If we find time to watch them and its activities surely we forget our problems and worries while watching them. Hold fast to dreams for winged birds enhance the beauty of nature are perhaps the most beautiful organaminaves and a under group of endothermic vertebrates. They belong to order the sark at the world’s most numerically clats of tetrapods.

Birds are found worldwide and in all habitats. The digestive and respiratory systems of birds are also unique. Birds have wings which are more or less developed depending on the species. Evolved from forelimbs, wings give birds the ability to fly. Around ten thousand living species constitute perching birds, which people sometimes refer to by this name.

I am waiting for a long travel

The birds flying up in the sky
As for the life cycles of birds then born inside hard shelled eggs. Their parents protect and keep them warm for many days to weeks. When they develop flight feathers they learn to fly Next year they mate and have young ones of their own. The life cycle begins again.

After a long flight they take rest

Waiting for a flight

I am looking for a partner

I am getting ready for prayer
Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Harikrishna O., Pathanamthitta and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of rightful owners.