Wildlife Photography | Birds
Bird Photography is not as easy as others. The dedication and concentration are very important. Because whatever happens with birds is instant. Thereupon, you cannot expect what a bird might do at the moment. But, in order to get a good shoot early morning and late afternoon are the best times. Henceforth, here are some amazing shots of freedom of wings to guide.
On the whole, to shoot a good bird photograph one has to be immobile in their surroundings for several hours. Apart from that, a good background also affects the respective photographs to create a particular mood at that particular moment. So as to capture the freedom of wings aka aves, one should possess the utmost patience and well-researched knowledge about the species.
Photographs by: Saravanan Ramasamy, Tamil Nadu
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Saravanan Ramasamy. Thereupon, their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.