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Since ancient times, man has been attracted to gemstones, which have long been used in jewelry. The main requirement of a gem is to be beautiful.

Earrings: Lost in the world of black and white

Women have always felt gorgeous and confident when wearing jewelry. Since ancient times, jewelry has been an integral part of human life. A lot of women enjoy accessorizing with jewelry as a sign of femininity or to demonstrate social status.

once again
Once again: Black and white

Given that jewelry has been worn by humans for generations, women place a high value on it, and its significance in their lives now is easy to comprehend.

Necklace: In a dark atmosphere

Mixing gold and silver jewelry is the best tried and tested combination, but you can try out all the different combinations to find what suits your style.

mind blocked
Mind blocked: What next?…Buy it


All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Renjith S Pillai from Kollam, Kerala, Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.

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