Gleaning ornaments play a significant role in the life of every woman. It is said that the beauty of ornaments is revealed when its worn by a woman.
Product photography is the trickiest in photography when it comes to jewelry photography. In fact, it is difficult as compared to any other product. An ornament is made up of a metal that reflects the vibrant look of a woman and relishes the inner beauty to the outside world. Ornaments are of different types and are made of different materials.
The cost will be raved according to the metal is been used for its making. When it comes to jewelry photography, capturing these ornaments within the studio light is different. They reflect the light where some ornaments give peculiar lighting merging up to product photography of ornaments. On the other hand, face painting is the new creative way in the product photography field.
The face of the model painted in different colors according to the ornaments give different and the ornaments are placed in the respective place upon the model such as necklace in the neck, earrings, bracelets, etc. This creative trick gives more vibrant and dynamic photos that grab the attention of the viewers.
Furthermore, to learn photography, understand the tips and tricks in photography, photography news and camera reviews, special editorial articles, read our next photography articles.
This article “Gleaning Ornaments” is contributed by Ebin PJ.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Ebin PJ. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.