A journey with Kerala’s expressive birds. The beauty of Kerala reveals itself as you step into the world of birds.

A species of stone chat : When I was walking in search of birds, I saw a bird hidden inside trees and almost matching to the color of trees. Then I changed my angle of view and clicked this photograph.

A Red whiskered bulbul: It was continuously creating the sweet sound and I was trying to capture this moments. Finally I got the speaking bulbul and finished my wonderful journey with birds at Nattakom.
Kerala has an abundance of forests, wetlands, and a long coastline, making it rich in avifauna and hence a very rich destination for birding enthusiasts. More than five hundred species of birds, some found nowhere else in the world, inhabit this land. According to birdlife international, it is also one of the eight centers of endemism in the Indian sub continent.

A common kingfisher : It was simply on the wood and feeling the natural beauty. I was noticing it for few minutes and going closer step by step and got a beautiful frame before it flies up in Mumbai

A great egret : When I was in Manal at an evening, This long necked bird attracted me and then I took my steps forward towards it and captured the stunning posture of Egret.
Kerala’s Avian Wonders
At dawn, on a freezing morning, bird calls quickly transform the brief quietness as sunlight hits the treetops. The foggy, dark forest had suddenly come alive. I started my day walking along the roads of Kerala on a typically productive morning for capturing the moments of a bird’s life. Sun was rising out from the fog and offering a mesmerizing view with the sweet sound of birds. The morning seems to be wonderful with the sound of birds. Lots of birds were flying in the sky. The foggy morning, which was giving a cool environment for birds to play around. Different species of birds were chirping and conveying their message to each other. Some of the birds hidden inside the trees were making sounds together, some were flying above the backwater and touching water to take fish for their food. All the actions and moments were very lovely and too fast. I was observing the actions and activities of every bird to know about the nature of all.

A Mag Pie Robin : A wonderful expression of this bird, I got after the slight movement from the place where I clicked kingfisher in Manal’s beauty.

A species of stone chat : It was going up and down continously , I was ready with my camera and I got the moment when it was about to fly.
Bird Photography Journey
During this journey of my bird photography, I covered nearby places of our sweet institute Creative hut. There is a small stream in front of the institute, where lots of binds come to drink water. Some of the birds I captured were from Manal which is approximately 4 km away from the institute. Manal is one of the favorite places of Kingfisher. Birds love to fly over the natural beauty of Manal. Lastly, Nattakom, the favorite home of many birds, helped me form a strong connection with them. This place is very good for capturing bird photographs because lots of open spaces are there and birds fly near the ground. The sound of chirping birds in the beautiful foggy morning gives the sign of their presence. Different species of birds stay in Nattakom.
During this journey, I formed a deeper connection with nature’s lovely and beautiful creature, the bird. And here are some of the beautiful Kerala’s expressive birds which I photographed in my photo story of this journey.

Indain Golden Oriole: I got bird near by my institute. I was just looking at the trees a morning, suddenly I saw a beautiful bird flying towards the stream. Then I followed and got this phootgraph.

A Rainbow Bee Eater: There were so many eaters on this tree, flying and chit-chatting with each other. This is one of them which perched alone and looking to the depth of the forest.
Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Mrinal Bhushan, Bihar and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of rightful owners.