Through the lens of street photography, delve into ‘Job Tales’ featuring stories of Kolkata’s professions and the city’s fine spirit.
Discover the soul of the City of Joy through “Job Tales”, a collection of street photos of Kolkata. Witness different professions shaping the city’s character, from spiritual Kumartuli sculptures to College Street’s book sanctuary. Famous places and streets provide frames, moments of time when many professions paint brilliant images on Kolkata’s canvas.

Sacred Sculptor From clay to goddess, artisan’s tale.
A talented clay sculptor brings goddesses to life with his hands and passion in Kumartuli. The finely made idols represent the rich history and artistry of Kolkata’s talented craftsmen. It is an evidence for the creative energy of Kumartuli, one of the most famous places in Kolkata.

The Unmasking Sculptures awaiting to be revealed.
Clay sculptures in colourful streets of Kumartuli, waiting to be revealed. The red cloth partially covering the deity’s face sparks curiosity.

Shopfront Tales Sidewalk shopkeepers of safety.
Two adjacent shops on the busy streets of Kolkata. The shops caught in motion perfectly capture Kolkata’s colourful street scenes.

Business Buddies Beyond goods, friendship as currency.
These neighbouring stores in Kolkata’s busy streets tell the tale of a lasting friendship. The owners in conversation, exchange smiles that mirror their lively professions and life of Kolkata street markets and vendors.

Book Oasis College street chronicles.
A girl reads in College Street in Kolkata, one of the iconic places, while her father waits. In a store next door, a shopkeeper arranges books. The image shows how varied careers shape Kolkata’s spirit.

Readers’ Refuge Walking in the world of words.
The image captures two bookstores with an extensive collection of books in Kolkata’s famous College Street. Shopkeepers’ faces reveal a range of professions, Showing diversity and job tales. It also defines the street life in Kolkata’s iconic places.
In the bustling streets, “Job Tales” portrays the various occupations and some landmarks of Kolkata that characterize the city. The professions of Kolkata provide a vibrant image, from the hands-making clay idols in Kumartuli to the lively conversations between owners of helmet stores and the intellectual refuge of College Street’s booksellers. These prominent locations add to the spirit of the city. It narrates the wide range of professions in Kolkata that have shaped its economy and culture.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Architha B and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.