Our feet do so much for us; they carry the whole weight of our body throughout the day, and that’s why we should wear good quality shoes.
Shoes are basically footwear, that covers the foot completely, for the protection of the feet. as well as for comfort and style. The design of shoes varies based on the type of usage, and also varies according to the gender for which they are intended. to. Men’s shoes and women’s shoes differ in their size and design, but generally, men’s shoes can be considered unisex. There are various shoes that are intended for particular activities, like boots for outdoor heavy work, sports shoes for running, etc. Some shoes are
designed to be worn on formal occasions, while some are designed for casual wear.

Laddish: All ready for the new adventure.
The Essence of Footwear
Our feet do so much for us; they bear the whole weight of our bodies throughout the day. That is why we need to wear good-quality shoes. Wearing proper shoes with the correct fit is essential for overall health and comfort. They can prevent foot problems like fungal nail infections, etc. Good quality shoes can prevent foot odour. They aid in the support and stability of our feet. Some formal occasions
require us to wear shoes that are designed for formal purposes. Using boots with spikes helps in hiking and trekking, as they provide a better grip for our feet.

Rugged: Leather boots suitable for all casual occasions
In this chapter, I have included shoes, colours match the colour theme of the book. The lighting provided is in the in the morning. light, as people usually wear shoes in the morning before they go out for work.
or any other activities. Soft light has been used to create the mood and elevate the product’s beauty. A slightly warm tone has been used to give the feel of morning light.

Dashing: Comfort and style is the main highlight of leather boots

Leather boots: Suitable for both casual and formal occasions

Debonair: Stylish and elegant design for all formal occasions

Flying laces: Formal leather shoes for formal occasions
All the photos and text in this post are the copyright of Pranav K. K., Ernakulam . Thereupon, their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.