In photography, light is the most vital element. In fact, the Greek terms for light and drawing were combined to produce the word photography. Photographers capture light particles on a light-sensitive surface to generate an image. Photography is impossible in absence of light.

Long exposure photography, often known as slow shutter photography, is a cool camera technique that involves leaving the camera’s shutter open for a long time instead of capturing a fraction of a second. To capture and combine the moving objects in the frame while preserving the sharpness of motionless items.

There are many ways to explore long-exposure photography. I’ll show you some examples of the interesting and versatile techniques in long exposure photography is tube light painting. Set your camera on a tripod and keep the shutter in bulb mode to capture the trace of light Then, for the duration of your light shape, hold down the button.

The craziest type of long exposure photography is Steel wool photography which uses steel wool that’s been set on fire. When shooting with a camera at slow shutter speeds, embers fly as the burning steel wool is whirled around on a thread or string, creating streaks of light.

All the Designs and text in this post are copyright of Mohammed Muhsin, Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.