As part of Photojournalism, here our author has a Photo article on people, their expressions and emotions according to age.
‘’Each and every face speaks an entirely different story.’’
One face several stories means who are deeply lost in thoughts but cannot be seen by face but can be seen by their expressions and emotions. We cannot read the face of any human as everyone has his their own thoughts, feelings, emotions and behind every expression, there is a lot of thoughts that cannot be defined in simple word.
There are different kinds of people. Different people have different thoughts in their minds that we can’t judge directly and say what they are thinking. Some people won’t express anything. So In this chapter, I am portraying a few of the faces of Rajasthan. Behind all those faces there is a story.

A happy person is satisfied with everything.
We cannot explain happiness in our life with simple terms. There are many kinds of troubles in our life and we want to face that. In this world, if we want to live then it is very important to live happily and smilingly every time.
Always keep a smile on your face because even if you think that you are not attractive by face this makes you beautiful by heart. In the end, all that matters is what you were, when you were alive. So keep smiling outside even if you are crying inside.

Age Matters
Life can recognize the young people by their energetic appearance. The young age is referred to as ‘’adolescence’’ the stage where several changes occur. They are dedicated to their aim and work hard to achieve success.
Old age is the stage near to the expiry of one’s life. This age has its own kind of joy. The person at this stage feels the real meaning of happiness. The person does not desire anything else than the real care by their family.

Suyash Chimankar, Rajnandgoan, Chhattisgarh
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Suyash Chimakar. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.