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Birds are not to be in cages, they should fly freely in the air full-fledged.

Purple Heron

The Beauty and Diversity of Birds

People consider birds to be the most lovable and blessed creatures in the universe. In this world, we find birds in many different species and colors, making them a beautiful part of nature. Each bird possesses unique features like humming and singing. Bird watching is one of the most enjoyable experiences. We can see variety of birds around our city and villages.


Common Birds and Their Unique Characteristics

Some common birds around the house are sparrow, pigeon, flicker, common white pond heron, kingfisher, little cormorant and common Myna. Around the forest area we can also notice the variety of birds like, black drongo, black headed oriole, and snake bird etc. Birds come in different colours. These colours can be useful to a bird. Light colours help the bird to hide and bright colours distinguish the bird from others.

Indian Pond Heron

Water birds like herons have pale grey colour Some times, the colours become threats to their lives which are unstoppable in their life span Nowadays some of the common birds are disappearing due to pollution, hunting by humans, lack of food, global warming etc. Pollution and climate changes are the most serious problems.

Grey headed Swamphez

Humans are eating many species of birds. Domestic and undomestic birds are being utiliand for eggs, meat and feathers. People keep common mynas, parrots, and other bird species as pets. These threats go deeper and deeper. Migrations are regular seasonal processes, but nowadays it is irregular because of climatic changes, pollutions, global warming, scarcity of food etc.

Snake bird

The rate of global warming negatively affects birds and their habitats. Most of the birds are follow particular habits such as preparing for the climatic conditions, Migration, reproduction, breeding and so on. All these phenomena depend upon the climatic conditions and particular habitat. So, climatic changes will affect birds’ behaviour and population. Another problem is hunting.

Whiskered tern

It’s one of the human activities that negatively affect the birds habitat, Increase in human population and disturbance also affect wild life and birds. However increasing human disturbance on bird populations is diminishing day by day. Birds started to find an area of less disturbance and hunting free places that leads them to live a peaceful life without any fear and problems.

Common Kingfisher

The Role of Birds in Nature and Their Changing Presence

They are happy in their own world with acceptable changes that are faced by them in their day today life. Migratory birds are very helpful in our ecosystem. The pollinating plants and seeds are spread over a wide area. Nowadays we love birds as our pets in homes and we train them well as per our commands. These days we can see very less birds and animals in our surroundings.

Red Vented Bulbul

Some human beings find birds irritating because they make noise and build nests on their rooftops, but we should remember that in earlier times, bird sounds served as a natural morning alarm for humans. There are some birds who serve as guides for human beings. In this world human beings feel that they are dominant over other species.

Stone Chat

The use of bird feathers for decoration and animal skin and horns for selling has increased in recent days. We should also think that all the birds and animals in this universe have their own life to live freely. We should start to preserve birds and animals instead of destroying them and create a peaceful atmosphere so they can live in peace and without any fear.

Black Drongo

Let’s start a life in union with living and non living things which make us happy and keeps us fresh always. In this world, birds and animals contribute to the beauty of nature.We can plan to preserve them by planting a single tree near each and every houses. During migrate to other region in search of cool habit, they can spend time and enjoy plenty of food also.

Lesser masked weaver

Simple Ways to Protect Birds and Preserve Nature

The birds can get over the summer climatic conditions by keeping some water in zink or bowi in our house roof for them to quench their thirst, These kinds of small works of human beings help to preserve birds for long years. By these ways we can find new ideas to prevent birds from hunting. Every action taken by human beings like deforest- ation and animal hunt result in natural disaster.

Jungle Myna

Preserving Nature: Creating a Peaceful Habitat for Birds

It affect the parts of the world, in short, we should create a peaceful atmosphere for birds so that they can live in peace and multiply. God has designed and create this beautiful world with beautiful things to live together. We don’t have any rights to re-design it, so we have only rights to live wit natural beauties like, birds, animals, trees and plants.

Great Egret

Our greenish environment fills nature with vibrant colors and leads us to a beautiful life. Let us start a life in union with nature with voice of birds and tones of nature which make us fee energetic, fresh and happy always in our surroundings. We can live happily with what we have in our life with out thinking of any cruelty to others.

Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are the copyright of Roshni S Prasad and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.

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