“Photography can not be taught. In fact, what is there in learning Photography? After all, it’s all about just a click. Indeed, the camera does everything.” – Well, these are the few comments that we usually come across. On the negative side, it merely discourages us. But, on the positive side, it makes us realize that there is much more in Photography than just a click. And this article from the Editorial desk is to highlight the importance of Photography Education.

What is Education?
Education is about learning skills and developing knowledge. The methods of Education are teaching, training, mentoring, storytelling, discussion, and research. Further, Education can be formal and informal.
And so let’s see what is “education”? It comes from the Latin word: e ducere which means to lead, to draw, to guide. In an education system, to lead or draw something out of a student.

As per Oxford dictionary, ‘education’ means
“the method of receiving or giving systematic instruction, particularly at a school or university”
Usually, the use of the term ‘Education’ gets confused with the term ‘Knowledge’. The grade of study 10th, 12th, Undergraduate, Graduate, Ph.D. like a stepwise step is education. Therefore, education is about gaining the practical knowledge to enable one to use their intelligence and capabilities to face real-life situations.
People debate over these two terms and say “Education is the only thing that provides us knowledge”. Some people believe that education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world. Whereas knowledge is altogether different.
But then again, information cannot be converted into knowledge without education. Ultimately, you need at least any of the one methods of education to achieve knowledge.
Types of Education
Education can be divided into different ways. Some follow the traditional educational methods while some follow the modern educational system. All together they make a huge difference. The understanding of education may be different for different people. Here, are the different types of Education.
- Formal Education
- Non- Formal Education
- Informal Education

Formal education is a structured education. It is achieved from schools, colleges, and academies. The essential part of the formal education includes syllabus, timetable, and set of teachers. Moreover, formal education is provided by qualified teachers and under the set of certain rules and regulations. In other words, formal education is always pre-planned. And based on a systematic curriculum.

In non-formal education, someone who is not in school can achieve literacy, other basic skills or job skills. Home education, individualized instruction, distance learning, and computer-assisted instruction, etc…
Informal education takes place outside schools. Hence, there is no attempt at structuring it. Here the child learns from his family, friends, experience, and environment.

The ancient Indian education system had Gurukul or Gurukulam’s way of learning. It is where students learn under a guru and both students and guru stay at the same location. Students were associated with the Guru and helps him in his work and learn the whole day long. Informal education is incidental and spontaneous and without any pre-planned syllabus and time table.
Indian Education System

In India education means ” Shiksha” or “vidya” derived from Sanskrit. Shiksha word derived from “Shah” meaning “control or to discipline”. On the other hand, the term “Vidya” is derived from “Vidh” means “to know”. Discipline and Knowledge are the most important aspects of human personality during the ancient period of education. The ancient education system of India was known for the Gurukul way of learning. Shishya (‘students’) was living near or with guru (‘teacher’) in the same house. And the guru and Shishya were staying called Gurkukula. The word Gurukula is a combination of the Sanskrit words guru (‘teacher’ or ‘Master’) and kula (‘family’ or ‘home’).
What is Photography Education?
Photography Education is not different from any other field of education. But there is always a debate on it saying that ‘photography education is different from other education.’ Education of English can be learning of Alphabets, Words, Sentence, Paragraph, and essays.
The real education is a journey from converting the human being into being human

Accordingly, we found that to achieve knowledge in photography, photography education follows a combination of formal, informal and non-formal education system.
What is the importance of formal study in Photography?
Photography means using your tool to capture the subject in perfect light at the perfect time. Thus where is education important? As we discussed above, education and knowledge both are different. You can educate yourself in non-formal education or informal education like youtube, blogs, tutorial videos, or from the working experience, etc…
Don’t you think understanding Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO can make only good photographs? Now, anyone can capture the image with or without knowing the photography. The technology had developed much better than earlier. You feel happy when someone says that your photo is good. But, you must also know, why that photo is good or not.
Photography Knowledge
We discussed with a Photographer having an experience of 15 years in this field. He showed a photograph to our correspondent and asked him, ‘Why this image is called flat or no depth?’

Our correspondent replied: ‘There are many reasons for a flat or no depth image.
Flat or no depth image can be because of no depth in field or area, depth in light, or depth in color.’ The photographer replied: “At our earlier age, we haven’t got much knowledge about photography. Since, in the earlier film era, the formal education system was less. The photographers followed, traditional Informal or nonformal education system. Post-digital era, the proper formal education was developed. It was introduced with a pre-planned and systematic curriculum.
Photography Knowledge is the understanding that we need to develop in ourselves. It deals with the understanding of camera, its uses, latest technology, photography aspects, use of right equipment, control of light, color, and many such related aspects.
The most interesting thing about photography knowledge is that you can not achieve it altogether in one day. Photography knowledge is endless and hence, can never be completed with so and so days. It is a continuous process. Knowledge increases day by day and year by year.
Photography Education in India

The photography in India is believed to have its existence since the 16th Century. While going through the old photographs captured in India, we could get to know that photography had greater importance in India since the earlier stages.
- In 1854, the Bombay Photographic Society was formed with 200 members.
- In 1856, few such similar bodies were formed in Madras and Calcutta.
Indian education has developed a lot, but the photography education system is still in a growing stage.
As per one of the articles in ‘The Times of India’, India’s first photography institute, was Light and Life Academy in Ooty that started in 2001. But Shari Academy, in Mumbai claim that they were the first Photography College in India that started in 1991.
Our research team surveyed the photography education system in India. As well as about the first photography college in India. And henceforth below is the result.

History of First Photography Education in India
- India’s first Photography College in Film era was Shari Academy Mumbai in 1991
- First Photography Institute in India in the Digital era, was Light and Life Academy Ooty in 2001
- India’s first Photography College with Gurukul system (residential college), was Creative Hut Institute of Photography Kerala in 2007
- First Photography College in India with degree course was National Institute of Design Ahmadabad in 2009
The formal education system in India started with the establishment of photography colleges. Shari Academy, Light and Life Academy, Creative Hut Institute of Photography, and National Institute of Design are the greater examples in understanding how formal photography education had evolved with greater importance in India.
With the digital era, formal photography education has increased. Photography education in photography colleges is different at different colleges. Furthermore, there are many photography institutes and colleges in India. They conduct various certified photography courses, photography workshops, and short term courses.
World’s First Photography Gurukul
The ancient and traditional education system of India called the Gurukul system was first started by the Creative Hut Institute of Photography, Kerala in 2007. Abin Alex the founder of the World’s First Photography Gurukul states that ‘It is the only Residential Photography College in India dedicated to Photography. Incorporated with the traditional Gurukul system with modern technology.’
Above all, now you would like to gain photography education for yourself. And planning out to attain the same by enrolling yourself in a suitable photography course. Moreover, you will be eager to know which is the best photography college in India?, which will provide you with both technical and practical Photography Knowledge. Hence, most importantly know how to find the best photography colleges in India?
Benefits of Photography Education

Photography is a medium of art and hobby for some people while it is a profession for many.
Nowadays, it has also turned to the greatest source of income and livelihood for many people.
One’s photography knowledge and skill need to be developed to survive in the industry. Indeed for both the perspective of art and profession, proper education in photography is required.
The Photography field has growing competition worldwide. Photography education not only helps one to work in the field with confidence but also initiate one to work with satisfaction. Else you will be pressed down in the industry. You might be wondering, how photography education help in developing the art? Let’s see what are, The benefits of Photography Education
Photography Education Increase Your Knowledge

The best way to achieve the correct knowledge of photography, camera, equipment, technology, and technicalities is proper photography knowledge.
Only a structured education system can provide one with adequate and accurate knowledge.
Once you acquire this knowledge through the best possible photography education, you will be able to upgrade this knowledge further in the future too.
Else, you always struggle to know which is correct, and why? Photography education increases your knowledge and reduces your confusions and myths.
Photography Education Enhance Your Skills

If you have an interest in photography then surely you might have some talent in it. These skills need to be developed further for better photography.
Photography education is one of the best sources to enhance one’s skills. It helps one to grow the art in ourselves.
Photography is a combination of many factors that make photography complete.
For example, capturing light, subjects, elements, drawing, perspectives, proper framing, and composition, etc… with the latest cameras. Photography education enables you to develop these.
Photography Education Increase Self Confidence

Above all, Proper Photography education gives you good knowledge. This indeed increases one’s confidence and find better career opportunities.
It allows one to make rapid decisions in working locations with more accuracy. And at the same time, make the appropriate corrections without any confusion.
Merely having a high-end camera or mobile, cannot make one a good Photographer.
You surely need a good knowledge of it. Lack of knowledge leads to a lack of confidence. On the other hand, a knowledgeable person in the field is always appreciated and considered.
“Good people make good photographs”- Abin Alex
Further, go through our articles to know which are the photography courses in India? Where you can learn Photography? Which are the Best photography colleges in India?
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/bangalore-times/Indias-first-photography-institute/articleshow/5349.cms
- https://www.thehighereducationreview.com/institution/creative-hut-institute-of-photography-cid-955.html
- https://edugorilla.com/best-5-colleges-photography-courses-india/
- https://www.creativehut.org/creative-hut-gurukul/
- https://edugorilla.com/top-photography-colleges-in-india/
- https://www.shiksha.com/arts-fine-visual-performing/photography/articles/top-10-colleges-for-photography-courses-in-india-blogId-11445
- https://collegedunia.com/news/g-47376-top-10-photography-colleges-in-india
- https://www.coursesxpert.com/best-colleges-for-photography-courses-in-india/