Memories are one thing that constructs every humans and it’s one of the essentials that pushes a man to move forward. It is a fact that you want to progress in future you must analyse your past. These memories of the past invoke a special feeling of Nostalgia.

From a simple pen to complex books in the shell, each and every element that we have used has a specific record and the brain feeds these records and uses them when we need it again. The brain is tricky in this way, it can recreate an emotional feeling the moment we touch or see things.

Books library and pens are some of the things that we have all used and still using in our life. Reading books for even a short time can significantly shape a person’s character. Books in this manner influence people and it is the easiest way to establish propaganda and in fact it’s the easiest way to convey a message.

Words have the ultimate power and it is one of the reasons why social platforms gained so much popularity in the late 80’s. Even the digital alternatives influence has only some effect over the popularity of books. One thing Digital alternatives lack is memories or more precisely Nostalgia.

Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Benson K Thomas, Kozhikode and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of rightful owners.