One of the most subtle components of art is creativity. Our selections of locations, pos es, lighting, and interactions with our sub jects all stem from a place of imagination or vision. For me, creativity entails capturing the beauty I find in others through a photo graph. Not only do I achieve this with pos ing, but also with lighting and lens choices. I enjoy pushing myself to get as much out of a posture or location as possible, and I frequently play a game with myself during sessions to see how much I can obtain with out ever moving my client.

It’s all about trying new things and pushing myself. It’s about refusing to become com pla cent. As a photographer, I want to grow and evolve, which means I need to try new things. To be creative means to go beyond what others may consider to be limitations.Smoke art photography is one of those genres that requires a certain level of expertise. You can’t really appreciate it right away, but as you learn more about it and come to appreciate its highly unique artistry, you start to fall in love with it. In its purest and most basic form, it is photography with smoke as the subject.

One of the best words to describe smoke art photography is aleatoric. It is an aleatoric art form because it is created by chance and heavily relies on randomness to provide its spark. The photographer’s interest in this genre stems from capturing smoke in any of its indeterminate shapes, sizes, and wavy strands.This chapter is all about the creativity in photography.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of R.N Jaya Sai, Andhra Pradesh, Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.