The spotted dove is a small, long-tailed dove found in Asia and the Indian subcontinent. It has a black collar with white spots and is commonly found in urban areas and gardens.
Small and slightly long-tailed, the spotted dove, also known as the eastern spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis), is a common resident breeding bird throughout its native habitat in East and Southeast Asia as well as the Indian subcontinent. Numerous regions of the world have seen the introduction of the species, and feral colonies have established themselves. Although this species was once placed with other turtle-doves in the genus Streptopelia, research indicates that they are not like other members of that genus.

Quiet Presence Standing still, the Spotted dove surveys its surroundings.
This long-tailed, buff-brown dove features a black collar patch with white spots on the sides and back of its neck. Additionally, it has light buff patches on the wing coverts and white tips on its tail. Moreover, within its broad range, there are significant differences in plumage among groups. This species commonly inhabits urban settings, gardens, and light woodlands. Furthermore, after taking off with an explosive flutter, they may glide down to a perch. Other names for this dove include the spotted turtle dove, lace-necked dove, pearl-necked dove, and mountain dove.

Serene Look The dove watches, its eyes sharp and focused.
In its natural habitat in Asia, the spotted dove thrives in various settings, including farming areas, woodlands, scrub, and residential zones. In contrast, the laughing dove in India is more common in drier regions and typically inhabits areas with higher moisture. Additionally, these doves primarily stay on the ground, where they feed on low plants, seeds, and grain. They pair up as monogamous.

Quiet Rest Resting on a tiny perch, the dove relaxes.
They typically breed in the fall in the north and from September to January. They make a fragile cup of twigs in which to lay two white eggs, and they primarily nest in low foliage.Occasionally, birds position nests on the ground or above buildings and other structures. Building the nest, caring for the young, and feeding them are tasks that both parents participate in. After roughly 13 days, the eggs hatch, two weeks later, they fledge. It is possible to raise many broods.
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