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Street of Peace


See the serene streets of Haridwar and Rishikesh through colorful images that combine mysticism, rituals, and the Ganges’ natural flow.

Visiting the holy sites of Haridwar and Rishikesh directly was an amazing experience. Through the lens of spirituality, rituals, and the constant flow of the Ganges, I captured the street of peace, exposing the vivid colors of everyday life. Every frame in this visual tale of deep spirituality in the heart of India captured the essence of a timeless relationship between the divine and ordinary.

Burdensinbuilt emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Burdens Inbuilt  Life’s weight In bags.

Sunrisesquiet emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Sunrise’s Quiet   Sunlight Provides comfort.

In the colorful streets of Haridwar, my camera captured moving tales. A schoolboy held dreams, an older woman carried the weight of life in three bags, and a man strolled purposefully. In the distance, an older man made a comfort from the soft light of sunrise and told stories of resolve.

Hope emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Hope  Small hands transfer toughness.

Bondssouls emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Bonds Souls Tea shop echoes shared joy.

The streets of Haridwar are a story of contrasts. A young child who comes from a family of beggars shows survival hard when she gives her mother a coin. A group of people are enjoying friendship at a nearby tea shop, their laughter sounding against the difficulties of life.

Diversity emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Diversity Man labors others weave unity.

Peaceful emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Peaceful  Spiritual sunrise saris form a triangle.

In the early morning light, some people are working on various projects. One man, symbolizing strength, pulls a dust vehicle, representing the weight of labor. Concurrently, three people take the spirituality of dawn by creating a spiritual triangle with saris.

Riversideblessings emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Riverside Blessings Seeking blessings at sunrise.

Spiritualcontrasts emmadipavan telangana creativehut

Spiritual Contrasts Sadhu and woman separate journeys.

A holy scene is captured by street photography in the peaceful region of Rishikesh. At sunrise, a spiritually informed woman dressed in white grants blessings to a couple. A Sadhu and a woman walk along different paths on the other side of the river, symbolizing the contrasts in life.

Haridwar and Rishikesh appear to me like vibrant pictures that combine spirituality with ordinary life. The images in the “Street of Peace” series capture determination, contrasts, and strong bonds, creating a visual peace that reflects the spirit and cultural journey of these holy places.


All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Emmadi Pavan  and Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.

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