Hardship is a situation in which life is difficult or unpleasant .This article contains photographs that tells tales of hardship, or situations that bring difficulty or discomfort. Every minute of one’s life is valuable and irreplaceable, and time is no exception. As a tailor , he contributes much to the dressings of the people. His work is a source of income which provides satisfaction of income to the family.

Life is not a bed of roses : An old tailor struggles for existence

A leisure time activity : Feeling relaxed with a few puffs.

Statutory warnings, prevent people from bad habits that are injurious to their health. Some actions that are forbidden bring people great satisfaction.

An open air eatery : Feeding many at a low cost
Food path eatery is a born to many especially the lower income groups. No matter whether the food stall is hygienic or unhygienic , the working class often rush to such places.

Give us today our bread for the day: Providing hot and delicious food on the street

The hard earned money : He is working hard to make both ends meet .

Good bye to disability : A disabled street vendor selling out the product stocked in his three wheeler
Hard work to some is a thrill whereas to others it is a challenge. To some the returns are mearge while to others it is im

Instant fried chicken: Aroma of fried chicken attracts the pedestrians
He is a clever business man with a unique trick. During the rush hours in the street he starts frying up the chicken pieces. People who see it are tempted to go to his shop and try it.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Aman John Thomas , Creative Hut Institute of Photography.Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.