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The Bracelet


Aman, a young man in his twenties, was driving home while talking on the phone with his girlfriend, Priya. “Hello,” Priya’s voice came through the speaker.

“Yeah, Priya,” Aman responded, glancing at the road ahead.

“Where are you?” she asked.

“I’m on my way home,” he said, then suddenly exclaimed, “Oh no!” The car abruptly stopped, and John realized the engine had overheated.

“What happened?” Priya’s concern was evident.

“The car engine overheated and stopped,” Aman explained as he got out of the car to check under the hood. “Wait a minute, Priya. I’ll see what’s wrong.”

Aman opened the car bonnet, inspected the engine, and then returned to his call. “Yes, Priya, you were saying something? We’re meeting tomorrow, right?”

“Yes, of course,” Priya confirmed.

“I’m so excited,” John said, smiling.

“How was your day today?” Priya asked.

“Nothing special, just office work and the usual boss tension,” John replied. He paused for a moment, distracted by something on the ground. “One minute, Priya. Yes, what now?” He had found a bracelet near the gate of an old, eerie house.

“Okay, you go home and message me. I need to visit a friend’s house, so I’ll hang up now,” Priya said.

“Okay, I’ll message you after I get home. Bye,” Aman said, closing the bonnet, getting back into the car, and driving home.

Later that night, Aman entered his house, looking tired. He freshened up, ate his dinner, and went to bed. As he lay in the dark, quiet room, his phone suddenly rang, waking him up. Groggily, he answered the call.

“Hello?” Aman said, his voice heavy with sleep.

It was Priya, sounding urgent. “Who’s this number?” he asked, confused by the unfamiliar number.

“This is my friend’s phone. I’ll send you the location. Can you come pick me up?” Priya’s voice was filled with urgency, and the call ended abruptly, leaving John uneasy. He quickly dressed and headed out.

Aman arrived at the abandoned house where he had found the bracelet earlier. The wind picked up as he approached the creaky gate, which opened ominously. He stepped inside cautiously, calling out, “Priya? Priya, where are you? This isn’t funny!”

He heard a sudden noise behind him and spun around, but saw nothing. A shadow darted past him, making his voice shake as he called out again, “Priya, come on. What’s happening here?”

Suddenly, with a dramatic sound, a ghostly figure appeared before him. Aman’s eyes widened in terror as he turned and ran out of the house, racing back to his car. He slammed the car door shut, breathing heavily, trying to calm down. After a few moments, he felt a presence behind him. Two hands appeared on his stomach from the back seat. Aman turned his head slowly, eyes wide with fear. The seat suddenly collapsed backward, and Aman woke up with a start.

He was back in his bed, drenched in sweat. Sitting up, panting, he reached for a glass of water on his nightstand. As he drank, he looked at his wrist and realized the bracelet was gone.

“What…what’s going on?” he murmured to himself, trying to make sense of the night’s events. The camera slowly panned out, leaving Aman in the unsettling silence of his room.

This short film is based on horror bracelet which include duration of 10 minutes short film and its in Hindi which include drama and horror feel.

Copyrights: All the videos and text in this post are copyright of  Prathamesh Mutekar  and Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners

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