Only birds have their own yard that is the whole of the sky.
Birds are such creatures that live according to the rhythm of nature. They roam around the earth each day and night as a protective shield. We can see birds everywhere in and around us. They form one of the most important parts of the ecology. People in some regions consider the marvels with wings as messengers of God. When given a thought about this surely it makes sense. They have been roaming around our planet for many centuries now. Their evolution has also made a very large impact on the balance of nature.

Black Eagle: The black eagle eats mammals, birds, and eggs. The nest predator is known for its slow flight just over the canopy. Due to this eagle’s ability to remain aloft for long periods with minimal effort, some people describe it as a bird that never sat down

Parrot: Characteristic features of parrots include a strong, curved bill, an upright stance, strong legs, and clawed zygodactyl feet. Many parrots are vividly colored, and some are multi-colored. Most parrots exhibit little or no sexual dimorphic in the visual spectrum

Buzzard: The common buzzard breeds in woodlands, usually on the fringes, but favors hunting over open land. It eats mainly small mammals, and will come to carrion
When looking deep into their lifestyle we can study about their food and other characteristic behaviors and every one of them has diversity in character and that too is very evident. No two birds are exactly the same. The one major characteristic behaviour of birds is that they go large distances in search of food and shelter. A proper habitat is a must for each and every one. The process of migrations is an unfavorable factor when it comes to the life of bird.

Drongo: Drongos are mostly black or dark grey, short-legged birds, with un upright stance when perched. They have forked tails and some have elaborate tail decorations

Rufous treepie: It is a member of the crow family, Corvidae. It is long-tailed and has loud musical calls making it very conspicuous. It is found commonly in open scrub, agricultural areas, forests as well as urban gardens

Hill Myna: This is a stocky jet black with bright orange-yellow patches of naked skin and fleshy wattles on the side of its head and nape. The Hill Myna is the myna most commonly seen in aviculture, where it is often simply referred to by its two-letter name.
Every living thing on this earth likes to live freely on its own ways. Although they rule the sky, various threats endanger their lives. Cutting down of trees by human has adversely affected their existence. Some of the special are on the barge ox extinction and it is time for us to make actions.

Indian cormorants: Indian cormorants are also called Indian Shag. They are slightly larger than the little cormorant and can be easily distinquished by its thin neck and long narrow beak

Kingfisher: Kingfishers are generally shy birds, but in spite of this, they feature heavily in human culture, generally due to the large head supporting its powerful mouth, their bright plumage, or some species interesting behavior.
Copyrights: All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Gokul Somarajan, Ernakulam and Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of rightful owners.