As part of the Insects photography, here is a very creative photo article made using Bokeh photography.
When the light rays create magic.
A simple ray of light can brighten the entire darkness. That is the power of light. It always shows the right path as it guides as in our life. Life has no diversions. Either you live it or leave it. Light symbolizes hope. So be the light, be the hope, and spread happiness all around you.
All things have their origin from light and without light, nothing comes into being. When sunlight flows through the branches, the leaves capture a stroke of light and then transfers that energy into a tree. This sunlight creates the effect of bokeh. For me, the effect of bokeh was more or less evident when it comes to the small lives that roam around us.
Valuable message to life
When the journey starts through the macro world, it is really surprising that the life of insects would convey a much valuable message to life. Sharing these messages with the photo enthusiasts of the outer world is always valuable. This article will definitely full-fill these needs.

Light of Dusk
Yes, they are tiny, they are nothing, just like a speck of dust. But when I traveled through that small world along with sun-rays. I was speechless. Sunshine is the greatest artist I ever found. I wondered about the amazing combination of insects and sunlight. My observation of little lives was awesome with the bokeh. Henceforth, I learned the numerous lessons in my life by completing this journey…!
Punnia Jones, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Punnia Jones. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.